inim said:
Stop watching videos ABOUT movies and anime, and watch movies and anime. There is no substitute for watching yourself.
I swear, why do people think those are mutually exclusive?
A few months ago I had this discussion on /a/ where people seemed to believe that people that watch video-essays and reviews get their views from those instead of experiencing the original work... when in fact me and many others watch those AFTER experiencing the works, just so we can compare our experiences and see other angles.
inim said:
My own format is to write a note of 256 characters or less, which is what the "tags" MAL database field allows as maximum. I did it for all 2000+ MAL entries I've watched.
Don't we literally have a "notes" function right now, meaning that we no longer have to use tags for that?
inim said:
just force yourself to write notes after each watch
I've been doing that, here's my notes after 12 episodes of Nanoha StrikerS
>solidifies the concept of "Mahou Shoujo as mages" that I managed to notice in season 1
>no more relations to Triangle Heart, now it's own thing
>double time-skip was perhaps unnecessary?
>quite interesting that Nanoha/Fate don't wear twin-tails anymore in their base forms, but still do in their Mahou Shoujo forms.
>pacing in the first four episodes is appalling, almost nothing happens
>new characters aren't that interesting, ESPECIALLY the younger ones
>Subaru = Proto-Hibiki? Teana = Proto-proto-Chris?
>I like how wide Nanoha's and Fate's shoulders are
>I like how small Reinforce is
>I like how Nanoha and Fate grew up to take the functions previously held by Lindy and Chrono, gives the impression of a "living world"
>Yuuno and Chrono MiA
>"Limiter System" is an interesting system that shows the army-like bureaucratic nature of mages
>drone enemies look very uninteresting
>I like how big Nanoha and Fate's bed is
>likely my favorite OP and ED so far
>10 minutes until they get into the train, really?
>things start to happen around the second half of ep 5?
>Rein is really small
>I feel that they're trying to do what the first season did in double the episodes, and the first season's pacing was already slow
>episode 8 was actually really good, WTF?
>Nanoha's "righteous violence"
>actual twist for a whole episode based around training
>reason for Nanoha being mad = Subaru/Teana looking for a "shortcut"? Dangerous movements for ego sake in a situation that didn't need them? Pushing themselves way too much?
>strikers being an entry point into the franchise
>Nanoha nerfed in an inteligent way
>"It's hard to put it into words, but StrikerS feels like one of those tie-in manga for an anime that is receiving a new season after a time-skip. Those that help to explain what happened in the meantime and how the seasons connect, though not much happens in them."
>A lot to talk about bureaucracy here. Trauma from the lost logia?
>heavy tokustasu inspirations?
>bureaucracy involved even in infighting ("Don't say that in public")
>"So the events of A's were only a MEDIUM-scale incident?"
inim said:
Consuming what others write or vblog is no substitute.
I already don't do that, so...
inim said:
Consuming what others write or vblog is no substitute. Thus stop wasting time on social media and read what professional critics write, they usually have degrees and vast experience. Start with the best:
Of that list, I've only watched four movies (Five if you count having watched Pinocchio in my childhood, of which I have almost no memories of): Seven, The Shawshank Redemption, E.T. Extra-Terrestrial (The remake, so I'm not sure if it counts) and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser.
Just read the reviews for Seven and Kaspar Hauser and indeed... I do not see what he sees, and that's on me.
Perhaps my issue is that I fear failing in general?
I don't learn how to draw because I can't bear my first years worth of drawings to be terrible? Likewise, I don't simply act because I fear the misery of hundreds of movies having their experience destroyed because I don't understand that?
Perhaps I'm a pessimist, even with myself, for I don't think that the infinite monkeys will write Shakespeare.
Perhaps I got this trauma from playing League of Legends a decade ago, where for months and months I would commit the same mistakes, never "magically realizing what they were", simply beating my head against a wall, until somebody coached me on what I should do (Spoonfeeding level), which made me improve MASSIVELY in a short amount of time?
No, I guess that my low self-esteem issues precede that.